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Introduction to Permaculture course

We have coming dates for you to choose from
25th - 27th October 2024
21st - 23rd March 2025

16th - 18th May 2025
03rd - 05th October 2025

'The word 'permaculture' comes originally from 'permanent agriculture' and 'permanent culture' - it is about living lightly on the planet and making sure that we can sustain human activities for many generations to come, in harmony with nature. Permanence is not about everything staying the same. It is about stability, about deepening soils and cleaner water, thriving communities in self-reliant regions, biodiverse agriculture, and social justice, peace and abundance.

Permaculture association.

Course Details


Friday 09:30 - 17-00h

Saturday 09:30 - 17:00h

Sunday  09:30 - 16:00h

Course Instructor:

  • Peach, Permaculture diploma apprentice



This three-day course is an exciting way to learn about permaculture design. The certificated course will provide an opportunity to actively learn about permaculture and how we can use it to benefit our lives more sustainably and positively. 

This is no ordinary ‘Introduction course’. It has been designed to support the gardener or landowner, helping us apply the tools and techniques we can use in our unique circumstances. 

We work with nature to get the most out of our environment.

We will give you a practical focus on the ethics, principles and applications of permaculture that you can take home and apply to your land, garden, workspace and lifestyle, connecting us harmoniously to the world around us.

At River Ebro Permaculture, we have implemented permaculture on the farm for the last ten years. You can see examples of executed designs and principles in practice and development, from greywater systems and compost toilets to no dig-beds and companion planting. We are making this site a diverse and regenerative system that provides for humans and the natural environment.

Course content:

  • What is Permaculture?

  • The principles and ethics of permaculture, an introduction and understanding

  • The history of permaculture

  • Site walk

  • observation skills

  • Systems thinking

  • Design practice

And much more...


By the end of the course, you will better understand permaculture and be able to apply the principle to your life, work, and hobbies. You will observe and read the landscape around you in a new light, understanding how nature and we can work together. This will provide us with an ethical framework to design regenerative systems at all scales.



Residential 300€ per person (270€ low wage/student) inc. Accommodation in shared bell tents with bedding.   Meals will include lunch and dinner on Friday evening.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch are on Sunday.   

All meals will be vegan.

Non-residential 270 inc. Course material and lunch for Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Limited places are available. 

Please email to book your place at


Course Instructor

  • Peach, Permaculture diploma apprentice


Course Language

  • English

If you’d like more information about our courses and workshops, get in touch today.

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